Software download for all my projects
Below you will find a list of software for all my projects.

All softwares are free to download and to use as much as you wish.
If you wish to contribute a small donnation for my hard work, I would be very honoured.

Software description
Zip file to download
File size
SIM900 AT commando software
Click here to visit project page.
1.5 Mb
CAM350 Family v4.11
CAD program to edit/draw pcb.
3.37 Mb
45-860MHz Radio receiver based on UV916-tuner
Click here to visit project page.
2.42 Mb
Super Scanner 45-860MHz with 0.01Hz stepsize
Click here to visit project page.
1.42 Mb
Superior TV-tuner receiver 45-860MHz in 2500Hz step
Click here to visit project page.
1.90 Mb
IDE Hard Disk experiments
Click here to visit project page.
2.12 Mb
ISD4002-120 Recording Circuit
Click here to visit project page.
1.5 Mb
AD9835 Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
Click here to visit project page.
1.96 Mb
Digital Wattmeter for RF based on AD8307
Click here to visit project page.
2.0 Mb
30W Digital Wattmeter for RF (0-500MHz)
Click here to visit project page.
3.9 Mb
2.5 GHz Frequency counter
Click here to visit project page.
1.41 Mb
Exclusive 2.5GHz Frequency Counter
Click here to visit project page.
1.55 Mb
88 Kb
Transcendent Frequency Counter
Click here to visit project page.
1.49 Mb
144 Kb
Software for calculating PLL registers in LMX2306
Click here to visit project page.
2.0 Mb
Software for calculating PLL registers in LMX2322
Click here to visit project page.
1.7 Mb
Software for calculating PLL registers in LMX2330
Click here to visit project page.
1.7 Mb
Software for calculating PLL registers in LMX1600
Click here to visit project page.
1.7 Mb
Software for Boot Loader PIC16F870
Click here to visit project page.
2.2 Mb
VCO tester and logger
Click here to visit project page.
2.3 Mb
Rotary tester
Click here to visit project page.
2.2 Mb

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Copyright © Last modified on 1 May 2024.